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Writer's pictureADGEEK

A word (or two) on fonts

Most designers have hundreds, if not thousands, of fonts in their arsenal (most of which never see ad space) and almost every designer has their "go-to" font. Working with many freelance designers over the years, I can almost always identify which artist created a piece of work based solely on the typeface (and colors, but more on that later) used. A client wants to make changes to an ad they ran three years ago? That looks like Amy's work. Or Micha's work. Or Christopher's work. Like them, my go-to font (Avant Garde) makes cameos in most of my work.

A good font (and how it is used) is a vital component in all aspects of design, for both print or web. Not only does it have to reflect the tone and personality of what is trying to be said, it needs to legible, readable... and scalable. I don't mean the ability to make the font larger, I mean the ability to use and grow the font as part of the overall growth of your brand.

Careful consideration must be given as to why a font is being used and also what the implication of using it might be further down the line. That's why my go-to font comes from a large family.

Font families create hierarchy (with a range of different font weights and styles like light, regular, semibold, bold, and more) and hierarchy ensures your content can be easily understood just by the layout of the fonts. Your reader will see what's most important when you use different sizes and types of the font. It also makes way for a good flow of information that's easy on the viewers' eyes.

Fonts that provoke a psychological reaction can be used to make a brand feel more trustworthy, friendly, or aspirational, with designers often turning to emotional fonts to give brand identities a powerful psychological impact. Sometimes the most impactful use of a font is the most simplistic:

How Much Do Fonts Matter, Really? (Hint: A Lot)

Whether we intend for it to or not (and we should), fonts communicate information about us and our brand to our readers. Modern, classic, elegant, progressive, bold, etc,.

Fonts have different personalities and can very well change the intended message, even unintentionally. Typography and the choice of particular fonts within that typography create a visual message that can work for you or against you. These choices can support your business goals or undermine them.

Take a look at the experiences and associations different typeface evokes:

The point is that fonts matter. They matter for your brand, and they matter for your business. They deserve serious consideration as they impact how others see your business, whether consciously or unconsciously.

Typography is a science and an art that requires a lot of thought and consideration. A good designer will use copy and type as the core of the design. Advanced designers will play with the copy to make it the design.

So, what does your business font say about you?

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